
Respect and love are a part of our nature. As a matter of principle, we are constantly focussed on new knowledge in order to protect nature and maintain responsible use of natural resources. We incorporate this knowledge into our overall provisioning, production and distribution processes wherever possible:
- We process only milk from the region. This saves on long distant delivery and has a positive impact on maintaining our energy balance.
- Every litre of milk comes from cows who benefit from species-appropriate care. Silage is totally avoided.
- Our cheese is a pure, natural product: It does not contain any artificial colouring or preservatives.
- There are no genetically modified organisms used in the milk production or during the fabrication process.
- Thanks to a new steam boiler, our energy consumption has been reduced by 30% (heating oil).
The Mont Vully Bio Cheese complies with the strict guidelines set forth by Bio Suisse. Among others, they include the following points:
- No use of artificial fertilizers throughout the entire farm (Milk suppliers).
- Cows graze freely outdoors.
- No pesticides are used on the pastures or in the fields.

Not only milk, machinery and production know-how go into making Mont Vully cheese. The essence of our work centres on people who are fully committed and who take pleasure in ensuring our cheese is so delicious:
- We value the farmers in our region who deliver their milk production to us on a daily basis. Thus, paying them fair milk prices is a part of our core values.
- Our staff is not only manpower. We are a closely-knit team who spend countless hours cheerfully working together, hand in hand. A good working atmosphere helps the cheese to ripen even better.
- Last but not least, we respect our staff’s right to their own good health. Since 2013, we have a special machine in the new cheese making unit which relieves the hard labour of turning over the cheese wheels. Thus, there is no strain on the spine and back pain can be avoided in the long term.
- We actively provide for the next generation in our industry and train apprentices.


Mature performance
In 2018, we installed a solar energy system on the roof of the cheese maturing cellar. While in 2017 we still had to purchase electricity amounting to 71,000 kWh, we were already able to generate around 37,000 kWH ourselves in 2019. Today, we produce around 52% of our energy consumption ourselves.


Share the Success and Stand Together
By sustainability and responsibility, we understand sharing our success with others who need our help. Therefore, we support therefore the Fondation Action Madagascar which by running a medical centre and surgical unit on the island makes an essential contribution to ensuring proper medical care of the population and prevention of disease. In this way, we wish to pay tribute to the courage of the centre’s founders and operators and make sure that their selfless dedication in achieving better medical care and better living conditions for the people of Madagascar will be crowned with success.
1476 in 2014
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Mont Vully cheese, we became involved as a sponsor in kind for the open-air spectacle 1476 above Murten. The Battle of Murten was staged for the first time as an open-air theatre on the original site. In the village of tents in front of the stage, visitors could enjoy food just like in the old days. Of course, our fine Mont Vully cheese was not to be missed.